In a world filled with deadlines, meetings, and the constant hustle, it’s easy to forget the importance of doing what truly makes you happy. For me, that revelation came in the form of a small, but sparkling, side gig – my own jewelry business, the ASIF.SHOP.

Like many people, I found myself caught in the routine of a 9-to-5 job that paid the bills but left me yearning for something more, something creative, an investment in me. The turning point came when I rediscovered my childhood passion for crafting. What started as a casual hobby soon transformed into an exciting business idea. The allure of turning something I loved into a potential source of income was irresistible.

Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit:

Something I learned very quickly was launching a business is not easy, especially when it’s a side gig. Balancing a full-time job with my newfound entrepreneurial venture required meticulous time management and dedication. Late nights were spent researching, sourcing materials, and creating pieces that reflected my unique style.

One key lesson I learned through this process was the significance of investing in what truly makes you happy. The emotional and mental satisfaction derived from pursuing a passion is immeasurable; it fueled a sense of purpose in me and became a labor of love rather than a chore.

Navigating Challenges with Creativity:

Every entrepreneurial journey comes with its share of challenges, and mine was no exception. From market competition to supply chain disruptions, this road has been filled with obstacles, and so much upfront money spent. However, my passion for crafting unique and meaningful pieces allowed me to navigate these challenges with creativity and resilience. Each setback became an opportunity to flourish creatively.

Building a Brand with a Story:

I realized the importance of storytelling in connecting with customers. It’s still new, but beginning to catch on. Sharing the journey of my travels to curate rare vintage luxury buttons, the inspiration behind each piece, and the craftsmanship involved added a personal touch to my brand. With my beaded bracelets, you should know I’m obsessed with rom-coms, pop culture, and travel. Many of my bracelets are named for people who have inspired me and most are designed in the reflection of their favorite color or what they’re known for. Customers weren’t just buying jewelry; they were investing in a narrative – a piece of my passion woven into every design.

The Joy of Creating Something Unique:

The beauty of a small jewelry business lies in the ability to create unique, handcrafted pieces that stand out in a mass-produced world. Customers appreciate the personal touch, knowing that each item is crafted with care and attention to detail. This connection fosters a loyal customer base that values authenticity over uniformity. Plus, I’ll always create something custom if that’s what the client is looking for. Customer satisfaction.

Balancing Passion and Practicality:

While it’s crucial to follow your passion, practical considerations shouldn’t be ignored. Strategic planning, market research, and financial discipline are essential for the success of any business, no matter how small. Balancing the enthusiasm for your craft with a pragmatic approach ensures the longevity and sustainability of your venture.


Starting a small jewelry business as a side gig has been a transformative journey. It taught me the value of investing time and energy into what truly makes me happy. The fulfillment derived from turning a childhood passion into a thriving business is priceless. So, to anyone contemplating the leap into entrepreneurship, my advice is simple – invest in what makes your heart sing, sometimes you learn as you go, but taking the first step is a step in the right direction.