I never thought I’d do something like this. I am a classic, over-achieving, responsible adult. And what does a classic, over-achieving, responsible adult do? Sells her house, quits her job, and buys a one way ticket to her favorite international destination….Italy. By now we’ve all read or seen the brilliant stories of Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) or Frances (Under the Tuscan Sun). I want all of that. I want the struggle, the frustration, the ‘what the fuck did I just do’ moments, but most of all, I want the growth. I want to change into a new and better person. I want language and culture, less judgment. I want to become someone my higher-self will one day be proud of. And in the meantime, I want to live more presently than I ever have, so here I go:

Italy, week uno: (Roma & Firenze)

I’ve been to Rome a few times before. The direct flight is always to Rome, so Rome for a day, at least, is necessary, but I don’t like Rome. It’s busy, it’s dirty- it’s just not my vibe. In my past travels I’ve seen all the classics like the Colosseum, Vatican City / St. Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, etc. etc. I had not expectations of doing those things a second or third time, so this time I spent two days in Rome in hopes of sleeping and battling the jet lag, but I did make my way out to see the walkable classics: Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, Pantheon, Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, so on and so forth. There is a lot to see and do in Roma so if you have never been, spend a few days here, but if you’ve seen it once before, get your ass to Firenze.

Firenze/Florence is my happy place. I’ve never understood blogs and social posts that only recommend 2 days (or one) in Florence. Florence is a big enough city with plenty to do, but it’s smaller than Rome so you get much friendlier hospitality, charm, and relaxation. There are countless rooftop locations that allow for incredible views with delicious food, and wine- so much wine. Drink it, lots of it! Personally, Chianti is my favorite. There’s a simple Chianti Classico or a deep Reserve on almost every menu that will have your taste buds singing Richi e Poveri’s classic hit Sara perche ti amo.

It’s easy to get around Florence. Most everything is walkable and if you rent a car or hire a driver, there are so many incredibly classic small cities to see just outside the city center; it’s Tuscany after-all.

Italy, week due: (Cinque Terre)

Italy, week tre:

Italy, week quattro:

It’s the journey

My decision to do change everything was a combination of dreaming and life knocking me down on my ass so many times until I realized it was a sign. The fact of the matter is, life is not easy, for most. An annoyingly aware trait that I have is to preface big statements, for example: I know I’m lucky, I’m blessed. People are dying of hunger and cancer and living paycheck to paycheck. But I’ve been told by many a therapist, to stop belittling our own pains and struggles. Life is hard no matter what that hard looks like.

The full ‘woe is me’ story is for another time.

In November 2022 both, yes both, my beloved pets passed away. It was tragic and traumatic and I still cry when I think of it, like now. Pets are better than people and if you don’t think so, go adopt a cat, now. In one week come back to me and don’t tell me you don’t love that sassy shit more than your own life. They bring so much love and joy and for me, spending time with them was the only thing I looked forward to each day. I was lucky to be able to work from home most days and spend the time with them that they deserved.

In March of 2023, my board of directors hired boss #5. Yes, #5 (in my 7 years). And, as Forest Gump would state, “that’s all I have to say about that.”

There are countless hurdles we go through to become who we are. Some are valuable lessons with growth opportunities and some just aren’t f-ing fair, but we only have one option…to persevere and to put one foot in front of the other, climbing each and every step.